Top 10 Engineering Fields 2017

Why invest in a high paying engineering field

There are many sources to draw satisfaction from in life, and sure, a fat paycheque is not everything but it would be a lie to say it does not help. It certainly does. When it comes to engineering, which is an extensive discipline with dozens of sub branches, it may be hard to really sort out which field is the highest paying one. Luckily for you, we have compiled a list of you that includes the highest paying engineering fields that hold the most value to employers.

Top 10 Engineering Fields

Petroleum Engineering

A petroleum engineer aims to maximise hydrocarbon recovery at the minimum possible cost, while simultaneously trying to reduce environmental impact. They are involved in nearly all stages of oil and gas field evaluation, as well their development and production. Since petroleum is not going anywhere, and is fundamental to powering pretty much everything, it is extremely hard to see this career becoming obsolete in the near future.

Nuclear Engineering

A nuclear engineer researches the processes and systems used to gain benefits from nuclear energy and radiation. They are the ones that design and develop nuclear equipment and direct operations in nuclear plants to make sure they meet safety standards. The vast majority of nuclear engineers is employed in the electric power generation and transmission industry. A close second is employment in the federal government.

Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering is, basically, the practical side of chemistry. Anyone who enjoys chemistry will more than likely enjoy this engineering field as well. A chemical engineer is responsible for the production, transformation, transport and proper use of chemicals, materials and energy. They accomplish this by applying chemistry and biology with applied mathematics and economics.

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering focuses on the proper application of large-scale electrical power. If you have ever felt curious to understand how an electrical system functions or are interested in powering the next era’s technological development, then this might be the field for you. A sub-branch of electrical engineering is electronics engineering, which has a similar focus but a much smaller scope. Electronics engineers tend to work on much smaller electronic circuits.

Computer Engineering

A very wide term, computer engineering can include many professions, ranging from software engineers all the way to computer programmers. More often than not, a computer engineer‘s focus primary focus will be the development, testing and evaluation of the software that makes a computer work. Almost as frequently, a computer engineer will be the one constructing and managing a company’s computer system as well  as supplying the respective technical support.

Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace engineering is the engineering field that is focused on research, design and testing of spacecrafts and aircrafts. It can be roughly divided in these two specialties: One concern’s machines  that are capable of operating well beyond the planet’s atmosphere, and is called astronautical engineering, whereas the other concerns the familiar aircrafts we use to easily travel around the globe, and is known as aeronautical engineering. As years pass, it is extremely likely that this specific field will evolve and expand considerably. Moreover, it is a field that is useful – if not essential – to many industries, including the military.

Structural Engineering

A structural engineer focuses on the framework of structures. Their main goal is to make those structures capable to withstand the stress and pressure inherent to their environment, and secure that they will remain safe and stable throughout their use. This is one of the oldest branches of engineering, with its origins tracing back all the way to primitive huts used by early human societies.

Mechanical Engineering

The principle goal of mechanical engineering is to bring a product idea to the marketplace, utilizing a very broad skillset. A mechanical engineer is expected to understand the forces and the thermal environment a given product, as well as its parts and subsystems, will encounter. Moreover, they are espected to design for maximum functionality, ensuring their manufacturing will lead to an end result that can and will withstand the forces and stress that it will be applied to.

Civil Engineering

Architectural Engineers

Civil engineering is the field of engineering that deals with the build environment – which, pretty much encompasses a big chunk of modern civilization. They build, supervise, operate and maintain construction projects and systems in both the public and private sector. Buildings, bridges, water supply systems, a hydroelectrical dam, a subway station, or a tunnel are all creations of civil engineers. What is amazing about civil engineering is that you can see the results of your hard work during your everyday life.

Architectural Engineering

Architectural engineering is also known as building engineering. It takes the principles of engineering, technology, building design and construction and puts them to practical use. An architectural engineer requires to have a wide range of skills, as they are called to find solutions to a wide range of problems, from a building’s structural integrity all the way to its fire protection, lighting as well as cooling system. They hold a vital role in our society, working to make sure the buildings we spend the majority of our time in remain safe, reliable and secure.


As is hopefully painfully obvious by this point in our article, engineering is such a diverse discipline that it is extremely difficult to sort out. As the job market has started to become increasingly tight over the past few years, people need to become much more selective in the careers they are planning to pursue. Our list includes the top ten engineering fields with the highest career prospects in 2017.

Ranging from traditional ages-old branches of engineering all the way to new, and innovative evolutions of the field, like astronautical engineering, our list provides you with many options to enjoy a life of plenty and a lucrative, highly compensated career. Depending on your own specific preferences, you might lean towards one choice or the other. All of these ten options, however, are completely viable in today’s job market.


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