Is Going Away to College the Right Choice for Me?

There are several things you need to think about when it’s time to pick a college. First of all, can you afford it? Second, where should you go? These two things are perhaps the most important of the considerations that families need to discuss before sending their children away to different states or even overseas.

There are numerous stories of people both regretting and wishing they had taken the chance to go to college at other cities or states, but ultimately the decision rests in your hands. This article will go over the various points that need to be taken into account before making the final decision about which university you wish to enroll in.


Independence doesn’t necessarily mean being free from your parents. After all, most college students still need some form of financial support from their parents or even the university they’re admitted into. When we say independence, we mean taking care and providing for yourself.

One of the major things that newly “liberated” college students tend to forget is their laundry and health. If you go to another state, you can’t rely on your parents to pick up after you, to prepare your meals for you, or to fuss over you when you get sick. Of course, the argument can be made that you can learn these things on your own, especially when you’re forced into an environment and setting where you’re not receiving adult care and “love.” If you can manage to look after yourself, then going away for college shouldn’t be a problem.

Study Program

For many people, the main consideration before going away for college is whether the university they’re applying to houses a certified, world-renowned department or program study in which the student wishes to attend. If you’re living in Indonesia, for example, it’s going to be almost impossible to find a credited, affordable university which offers Actuarial Studies.

Selecting the right program requires a lot of research and self-evaluation. You don’t want to make a mistake in choosing the university where you will dedicate at least three years of your life studying a field which is neither (1) unaccredited, or (2) not for you. Most of the time, students tend to make the decision to pursue a degree in a field only because the university is far away from home. Do not base your college of choice on geographic location.


Of course we are going to discuss the affordability of continuing your studies. We’re not saying that making a hefty investment in education is the wrong choice. The point we’d like to emphasize is that the tuition for a four-year program in a college can be quite costly and will require your pure intention and dedication to graduating in a timely manner.

Not all universities far away from home are cheap, and not all universities close to home are expensive. There are several programs that help students pay for their college tuition: university scholarships, government grants, awards from private organizations, finding employment, and the list goes on. Make sure to take some of the financial burden from your parents by utilizing any free time to working freelance or part-time jobs.

New Life Experiences

Whether you’re moving to another state or moving abroad, you’re bound to gain new experiences. They can be good – joining debate competitions and representing your university at regional, national, and even international competitions; interning at huge corporations that can make your resume stand out among other applicants; and etc. However, there might be bad experiences awaiting you – drugs and violence, theft, unknown culture differences leading to conflict, and the list continues.

It’s important to make sure you’ve matured enough to make decisions based on what you want to become in the future. As you are probably already aware, hard drugs like cocaine and meth are easily distributed in and around campus. Be sure to steer clear of anything that can dim your bright future.

Networking Opportunities

Of course, wherever you end up going, you can broaden your network by building new relationships and maintaining the ones that are most beneficial for you and your future career. However, the great thing about going out of state or abroad is that you get the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds, cultures, families, and financial status.

As we mentioned in the previous point, it’s a good idea to filter out the bad from the good. Be sure to avoid people that will try to lead you down the path to destruction. Instead, focus your attention on building long-lasting relationships with other serious students and seniors who are on their way to graduating and entering the job market. Who knows? You might be able to call in a few favors after returning to your hometown.

Emotional Difficulties

Everybody experiences those moments in life where the thought of leaving your mom, dad, siblings, or pet is too unbearable to think of. If you get full support from your parents to go away for college, make sure that you yourself are able to manage being away from the unconditional love given to you by those who care for you the most.

This is especially problematic for students wishing to continue their studies abroad. As their take-off date approaches, you might find reasons to stay home – perhaps your parents’ health, your dog’s confusion that you’re not coming to see him or her every day, your girlfriend or boyfriend not wanting to have a long-distance relationship, etc.

The good thing is that the emotional burden usually lifts after a few weeks or months away from home. Also, developments in technology allow you to stay in touch with your loved ones, even if you’re a continent apart from one another.

Parental Involvement in Your Future Career

We talked about how your parents might be the reason for you staying in your city for college. Now, we’re going to discuss how they might be the exact reason for your leaving.

We know our parents love us unconditionally, and they only want what’s best for us. However, sometimes they see a little bit too much of themselves in us, meaning that they want us to follow in their footsteps and take over the family business, earn the same degree they did when they were in college, etc. Some students talk about how their parents’ continuous fussing over them and their college of choice were the very reasons for sending them out the door.

In the end, it’s up to you whether you want to apply for the same career as your parents or if you’re looking to try something new. Just because your parents don’t know about a field that interests you doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t pursue it as a potential career. However, your parents’ advice may be pure gold that you shouldn’t disregard. The decision of where you go and what you learn is for you to make.

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